Celebrating 150th Anniversary of Franciscans Arrival to St. Peter's Church
Upcoming Events
June 29 ~ Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
July 17 ~ St. Peter’s Annual Gala
July 26-27 ~ Arrival of the first Friars Weekend
October 1-4 ~ Franciscan Festival
We will host a very special concert to remember the 800th Anniversary of the Canticle of Creatures by St. Francis, a surprise in July on Madison Street, receptions, special lectures about our history here in Chicago, the arts, Franciscan spirituality and more. We invite everyone to these events in gratitude and praise to God for the countless blessings God has given us friars and millions of people all these 150 years.
The 6 Trials of Jesus Christ
Presented by the Catholic Lawyers Guild
Thurs., April 10, 12-1 pm
St. Clare Auditorium
Join us for an enlightening discussion exploring the legal and historical aspects of His prosecution. The event will be introduced by The Honorable Judge Thomas More Donnelly and will feature two distinguished speakers who will break down the trials that led to Christ’s crucifixion: Dan Welter, Deacon, J.D. The 3 Jewish Trials of Jesus Christ Louis A. Palivos, J.D., Ph.D. The 3 Roman Trials of Jesus Christ Gain a deeper understanding of the legal proceedings Jesus faced under both Jewish and Roman law that led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The speakers will explore the implications of these trials in both historical and theological contexts. Whether you are a legal professional, a student of theology, or simply interested in biblical history, this event will offer rich insights and meaningful reflections.
Living this Sunday’s Gospel
Weekly Bible Sessions
12:15-1:00 pm Lower Level Room A
All are welcome and invited to our open weekly Bible sharing sessions here at St. Peter’s Church on the topic of the current Sunday Gospel. These Gospel sharing sessions entitled “Living This Sunday’s Gospel” are from 12:15-1:00 pm each Friday. No sign up or book purchase is required. The weekly subject matter is simply the current Sunday Gospel. And the informal sharing format being used is “to see” (that is to know the Gospel), “to judge” (that is to discover the Gospel’s relevance to our daily life), and “to act” (that is to share how we intend to concretely put the Gospel into practice).
The moderator is Fr. Tom Ess, OFM.
2025 DATES
July 17, Oct. 16
12:15-1 pm, Lower Level Auditorium
Presented by Josh Quail, Financial Advisor
Facilitated by: Sr. Fran Sulzer, FSPA, D.Min.
Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30 pm, lower level meeting room
Dates: March 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8
Group Spiritual Direction is based on the belief that the Holy Spirit works in our lives and that we are strengthened when we share from our experience. Similar to Individual Spiritual Direction between an individual and a director, GSD is designed for a group to reflect and share their understandings related to a given topic. GSD draws from Scripture. Persons agree to share personally and confidentially for the purpose of heightening their awareness of God’s presence in our daily lives. GSD is not a time for solving problems or socializing; it is an opportunity for growing. Call 312-372-5111 for further information.
Sr. Fran Sulzer FSPA, D. Min. and Br. Guillermo Morales, OFM will work with persons who contact them for an appointment. Sr. Fran is also a counselor for people who choose or need a more clinical approach. Appointments can be made for times between 10:30 am and 3:00 pm. For information regarding Spiritual Direction, please call
ZOOM - Mondays, 12:00-1:00 pm CDT
Dates: March 17, 24, 31; April 14, 28
This program promotes physical, emotional and mental health. Led by professionals in the discipline of psychology, participants are guided in the pursuit of stress relief, self-acceptance, self-efficacy, and developing a sense of purpose. Participants learn to increase self-confidence, navigate through loss and depression, and improve relationships with themselves, others and God. The sessions combine practical psychology with the life-giving ways of St. Francis of Assisi.
For information email: repairmyhouse110@gmail.com
For information regarding programs, please call
110 W. Madison Street
Chicago, IL 60602
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